“… might not beauty, and the love of the beautiful, perhaps bring peace and harmony? Could it not carry us forward to new concepts of life’s meaning? Would it not establish a fresh concept of culture? Would it not be a dove of peace between the various cultures of mankind?”
—Soetsu Yanagi, The Unknown Craftsman
My watercolours invite you to let go of what you know to be and explore beyond what you see. Can our memories, observations, and responses to nature bring peace if we allow it? Can it be a resting place for our soul? Can we explore the potent beauty and endless bounty of peace through an abstract vision; feel the presence; and embrace this peaceful side? Can we bring that peacefulness to ourselves and others in our lives? Can we submit to calm and let go of fear? Can we let go of ego and allow listening? If we surrender to peace, can we create a new reality?