This three–part series was inspired by my daily reading from 365 Tao Daily Meditations by Deng Ming–Dao.
It is based on the idea that each little painting is a meditation itself. When I began the series, Meditations Into Peace came first. I challenged myself to paint without defined imagery, only the sense of “calmness” and “letting go”.
What eventually emerged after the “peace series” was a gravitation toward a horizon–line. It revealed a natural orientation reflecting our relationship to earth. This second series I refer to as Meditations Into Gaia. These works reflect Mother Earth in her many moods, many faces.
Meditations Into Allowing is an ongoing experiment challenging myself to “let go” of the need to control. Allowing the watercolor media to flow using less control is revealing ways of expression without the need to control the outcome. Many of these “experiments” do not make it through the process.
“Meditation Into Gaia”
Image size: 7.5” x 10” x 2.5”
Watercolor on BFK Rives
“Meditation Into Peace”
Image size: 10” x 7.5” x 2.5”
Watercolor on BFK Rives
“Meditation Into Allowing”
Image size: 75” x 10” x 2.5”
Watercolor on BFK Rives